K. Male'
12 Oct 2024 | Sat 16:47
The Maldives' first-ever AI news anchor was introduced by RaajjeTV
The Maldives' first-ever AI news anchor was introduced by RaajjeTV
Raajjemv graphics
RaajjeTV's AI news anchor
RaajjeTV’s launch of Maldives’ first AI news anchor garners enthusiastic response
People have stated that this is a commendable effort
Doing something like this for the first time is another entry into RaajjeTV's history
The Bengali bulletin will be broadcast daily on ‘RaajjeTV’ and ‘RaajjeTV Extra’ via X
Audio of the News

Privately-run television station RaajjeTV has unveiled the Maldives’ first-ever news anchor using Artificial Intelligence (AI), which is rapidly advancing across the globe, and has begun broadcasting a news bulletin in Bengali, targeting the vast community of Bangladeshi nationals residing in the Maldives.

RaajjeTV introduced the AI news anchor on a social media bulletin posted on October 10. It is being delivered through RaajjeTV’s social media platforms.

The channel has also stated that this news bulletin will be broadcast daily on ‘RaajjeTV’ and ‘RaajjeTV Extra’ via X.

Several have described this to be an excellent initiative from RaajjeTV and the Bengali news bulletin has received massive public praise.

With more than 100,000 Bangladeshi citizens residing in the Maldives, some people who praised the initiative by RaajjeTV to provide information about events in the Maldives to the Bangladeshi community have said on social media that this is a good start towards modernization.

They have also stated that this is a commendable effort.

The station’s Deputy Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Naazmee Saeed has said that RaajjeTV has always prioritized modern technology, introducing modern changes in the broadcasting field and achieving progress in bringing news and information to the people.

As such, introducing an AI news anchor and doing something like this for the first time is another entry into RaajjeTV's history.

With the introduction of this new service, Bangladeshi citizens residing in the Maldives will have the opportunity to have access to the latest updates about the Maldives in their mother tongue.

This is expected to pave the path for more opportunities for Bangladeshi citizens residing in the Maldives to get a deeper understanding of news and current affairs in the Maldives, and familiarize themselves with Maldivian regulations as well.

Last updated at: 1 day ago
Reviewed by: Mariyam Uhaamath
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