K. Male'
06 Oct 2024 | Sun 08:49
A guesthouse in Maafushi island of Kaafu atoll
A guesthouse in Maafushi island of Kaafu atoll
Operational tourist facilities
Number of operational tourist facilities drops
Maldives currently has a capacity of 1,234 tourist facilities which include 152 safari vessels, 887 guesthouses, 14 hotels and 181 resorts. This means that of the total facility capacity, 14 resorts have yet to resume operations.
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The number of tourist accommodation establishments currently operational across the Maldives, has dropped.

This was revealed by the latest daily statistics publicized by the Ministry of Tourism on Tuesday.

As such, the ministry’s figures revealed that as of October 1, the number of operational tourist accommodation facilities across the Maldives sat at 1,220.

The guesthouses span across 118 islands of 20 atolls, with hotels operational in nine islands of eight atolls. 68 percent of the bed capacity is occupied by resorts, followed by 24 percent occupied by guesthouses, five percent by safari vessels and three percent by hotels.

Presently, a total of 61,086 tourist beds are in operation across these facilities, which include 167 resorts, 887 guesthouses, 14 hotels and 152 live-aboard vessels.

The beds operational across these facilities include 41,187 in resorts, 1,956 in hotels, 14,975 in guesthouses and 2,968 in live-aboard vessels.

Maldives currently has a capacity of 1,234 tourist facilities which include 152 safari vessels, 887 guesthouses, 14 hotels and 181 resorts. This means that of the total facility capacity, 14 resorts have yet to resume operations.

Last updated at: 5 hours ago
Reviewed by: Mariyam Uhaamath
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