K. Male'
17 Jul 2024 | Wed 16:42
Ali Hashim
Ali Hashim
Presidents Office
Dismissal of Ali Hashim
Majlis committee votes to dismiss Governor Hashim
The decisions stemmed from the belief that Hashim is unable to perform his duties adequately
The People’s Majlis will vote on the issue next
The Committee on Public Account at the People’s Majlis voted to dismiss him

The Committee on Public Account at the People’s Majlis has voted in favor of recommending the dismissal of Governor of the central bank, Maldives Monetary Authority (MMA) Ali Hashim.

The Public Accounts Committee took the vote on Wednesday.

All of the lawmakers that attended Wednesday’s committee meeting unanimously voted to recommend the dismissal of the central bank’s governor, to President Dr. Mohamed Muizzu.

The People’s Majlis will take a vote on this issue next.

The governor failed to present himself to the Public Accounts Committee for questioning and had informed the parliament in writing, that he was unable to attend citing health-related issues.

Governor Hashim is to have revealed that the island nation is facing an economic crisis due to non-compliance of instructions given to the government, and not because the relevant information was not shared.

A no-confidence motion against Hashim was submitted by Deputy Speaker, MP for Dhiggaru constituency Ahmed Nazim, who has alleged that Hashim has failed to perform his duties as the head of the central bank of Maldives.

Hashim was summoned to the committee to respond to the motion several times and he has failed to do so.

He was appointed as MMA’s governor during September 2019 during the administration of now opposition Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP).

Previously having served as Minister of Finance, Hashim held his ministerial position from 2008 to 2010 during MDP’s first rule.

Last updated at: 1 month ago
Reviewed by: Maryam Dhaanish Nasheed
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