K. Male'
11 Aug 2017 | Fri 00:40
Suman Miah, 27; main suspect in Ismail Umar's murder
Suman Miah, 27; main suspect in Ismail Umar's murder
Ihavandhoo Ice Plant Murder
First hearing in 'Ihavandhoo ice plant murder' trial cancelled
PG Office has raised charges against three of the six individuals arrested in connection to the murder if 54-year-old Ismail Umar
A hearing against the main suspect Suman Miah was scheduled for Thursday
Mias, who has allegedly confessed to the murder, is charged with first-degree murder

Thursday's hearing in the trial against Suman Miah, primary suspect in the murder of Ismail Umar, has been cancelled.

While Miah has been charged with first degree murder, state has raised charges against two other individuals as well.

The first individual arrested in the murder was 27-year-old Suman Miah, a fellow worker at the ice plant. According to police, Miah has confessed to the murder

A total of six expatriates were arrested in connection to Umar's brutal murder; charges have not been raised against the other three.

Ismail Umar's body was found in the ice processing unit of the ice plant in Ihavandhoo island on Haa Alifu atoll on June 16. A mechanic at the plant, Umar had been in charge of its overall maintenance.

While he was attacked with a sharp object, police officers have reportedly recovered the weapon used to attack him.


Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Hussein Fiyaz
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