K. Male'
10 Aug 2017 | Thu 17:59
RaajjeTV Chief Operating Officer Hussain Fiyaz Moosa
RaajjeTV Chief Operating Officer Hussain Fiyaz Moosa
Attacks on Media
Sentencing on Fiyaz cancelled
Contradicting statements given by witnesses
First charged for physical assault
PG working ‘overtime’ to penalize Fiyaz

Sentencing on RaajjeTV Chief Operating Officer Hussain Fiyaz Moosa on the charges of ‘touching an officer without consent’ has been canceled.

The hearing was scheduled for 2 pm on Thursday. No reason had been given for the cancellation.

In a statement released after Criminal Court scheduled the sentencing of the case for Thursday, RaajjeTV said that the case raised by Prosecutor General was based on non-existent grounds. As such, th station maintained that over the past year and half, Fiyaz had been dragged to Court on the charge. In the hearings, the statements given by different witnesses contradicted each other and the defense maintains that the prosecution had not been able to provide sufficient evidence to the effect. This, RaajjeTV said pointed to clear bias on the part of Prosecutor General and showed the charges had no legal basis.

‘The witnesses presented by the state to prove their case, included the same officer who Fiyaz had allegedly touched without consent. The very officer was not able to clearly say how Fiyaz had touched him when he gave his statement. The other witnesses were not able to at the least tell the distance between Fiyaz and them at the time of the alleged incident. First physical assault charges were raised against Fiyaz. This was later changed to charges of touching an officer without consent,’ the statement read.

Fiyaz is a seasoned journalist with 17 years of experience under his belt. RaajjeTV statement noted that this was the first time Fiyaz had been accused of an action during his long career. The statement concluded by expressing hope that a just verdict would announced and the biased actions of PG against Fiyaz will end. 

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Aishath Shaany
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