K. Male'
09 Aug 2017 | Wed 14:46
A fire broke out at the Labour Quarters, located in the Hulhumalé Industrial Zone, late Saturday night
A fire broke out at the Labour Quarters, located in the Hulhumalé Industrial Zone, late Saturday night
Mohamed Sharuhaan
Fire Incident
Hulhumalé Fire: five remain in hospital, one sent abroad
A fire broke out at the Labour Quarters- located in the Hulhumalé Industrial Zone- late Saturday night
31 individuals, 29 expatriates and two locals, were taken to Hulhumalé Hospital following the incident, 12 were sent to IGMH
Only five are being treated at the hospital currently, said IGMH's media director

The individual who was admitted at IGMH's the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) following the fire in Hulhumalé on Saturday night, has been sent abroad for further treatment.

Speaking to RaajjeMV on Wednesday, Media Director at Indhira Gandhi Memorial Hospital (IGMH) Ahmed Mausoom said Amin Construction had handled everything related to the transfer.

He had minor burns on his face, arms and legs, and suffered from breathing difficulties.

31 individuals were hospitalized after a fire broke out at the Labour Quarters in the Hulhumalé Industrial Zone on Saturday night. Most of those hospitalized had bones fractures after jumping out from the third floor of the building.

Mausoom said that five individuals remained in hospital, adding that their conditions "have been improving".

Amin Construction's Managing Director Abdulla Jihad had said that the company will handle all hospital expenses of the victims, and that those who wish to travel back home for treatment will be allowed to do so as well. With the exception of two, all the victims are from India and Bangladesh.

While the cause of the fire is yet to be determined, Maldives Police Service (MPS) is investigating the matter.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Ali Yoosuf
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