K. Male'
27 May 2024 | Mon 19:59
President Dr. Mohamed Muizzu
President Dr. Mohamed Muizzu
Presidents Office
Srebrenica resolution vote
Gov’t fails to give proper response over issue of Maldives abstaining from Srebrenica resolution vote
Incumbent administration’s ally China voted against the resolution
Some have been alleging that there was a “deal” behind the vote
Maldives has never voted against a matter concerning the genocide of Muslims

The government of Maldives has failed to provide a proper response over the issue of Maldives abstaining from the United Nations (UN) resolution to commemorate 1995 Srebrenica genocide.

The 193-member UN saw a vote taken to establish an annual day in remembrance of the 1995 Srebrenica genocide on May 23, which saw 84 countries voting in favor and 19 against. Maldives was among the 68 countries that abstained from the vote.

The incumbent administration’s closest ally, China also voted against the resolution.

Some have been alleging that this happened as part of a "deal" and that millions of dollars were involved.

However, repeated calls from RaajjeMV to confirm this allegation, were not answered.

RaajjeMV was unable to attain a comment from Chief Spokesperson at the President’s Office, Heena Waleed at the time of publishing.

Maldives was also the only Muslim country that abstained from the vote, which has sparked public criticism and taken social media by storm, with the people demanding an explanation from the government.

Questions have been surfacing on why Maldives, a "100 percent Muslim" country, did not vote to oppose the genocide of Muslims.

The incumbent administration of President Dr. Mohamed Muizzu has been drawing immense public criticism over the issue.

The public has also been questioning claims that the Maldives is pursuing an independent foreign policy.

Further, people have been slamming the government, demanding to know whether the Ministry of Foreign Affairs had not condemned the killing of thousands of Muslims and had not opposed it, after accepting bribery.

Maldives has taken a stand in support of Bosnian Muslims in the past and has remained steadfast for 30 years. As such, Fathuhullah Jameel as the country’s Minister of Foreign Affairs in 1993 delivered a statement at the 48th Session of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) condemning the violence and genocide that took place in Bosnia and called on the international community to take more decisive steps in order to fully carry out the responsibilities entrusted by the UN Charter.

We need to examine why the international community has failed to stop the carnage taking place in that country. Regional, international and direct diplomacy have been applied, yet to no avail. At a time when the world community has re-dedicated itself to the sanctity of human rights it is a tragic shame that systematic violation of these same rights has gone unpunished due to a lack of will on the part of the international community.”
Fathuhulla Jameel.

Fathuhulla stressed that a permanent solution to the situation in Bosnia should be found by peaceful means and within the parameters of the Charter of the UN amongst which is the principle of territorial integrity.

Last updated at: 1 month ago
Reviewed by: Maryam Dhaanish Nasheed