K. Male'
21 Apr 2024 | Sun 08:40
Voting proceeds at the Parliamentary election 2024
Voting proceeds at the Parliamentary election 2024
Parliamentary election 2024
Voting begins in parliamentary elections 2024
Over 5,000 officials are active
Voting will proceed until 5:30pm
Campaigning during this period is prohibited

Voting has begun in the parliamentary elections 2024.

Voting began across several polling stations spanning different parts of Maldives, at 8am, Sunday.

The Elections Commission (EC) revealed that voting will proceed through 5:30pm and that the time will not be extended further.

EC has urged the public to visit their polling centers as soon as possible, to avoid any issues.

People began queueing up outside polling stations, early Sunday.

EC has said that they have made arrangements to make it efficient for those who arrive to cast their ballots, and urged the public to cooperate with all stakeholders to ensure that the entire process is conducted peacefully.

The commission has also urged the people to act in a manner that does not disrupt anyone’s rights.

More than 5,000 officials are active during Sunday’s polls.

Authorities have urged the public to refrain from conducting any campaign activities during this time.

A total of 93 seats will be elected for the 20th tenure of the People’s Majlis. 368 candidates are contesting for the seats.

284,663 are eligible to cast their ballot during this election, including 139,361 women and 145,302 men.

A total of 602 ballot boxes are stationed for the polls including 241 in the Greater Malé Region (GMR) and 34 in resorts.

Last updated at: 3 months ago
Reviewed by: Maryam Dhaanish Nasheed
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