K. Male'
23 Apr 2024 | Tue 17:29
A polling station in a foreign country
A polling station in a foreign country
Parliamentary Elections 2024
"Maldives electoral process met int’l standards, ensured inclusiveness of all voters"
Expressed satisfaction with the quality of the polling process without any conflict or chaos
The participation of women was, impressive
Everything was organized in a peaceful manner

The electoral process in the Maldives has met international standards and ensured the inclusiveness of all voters, says the observer that represented the Elections Commission of Bhutan during Sunday’s polls.

Speaking to press on Monday to share the findings of the international team of observers visiting the Maldives for the country’s parliamentary polls held on Sunday, the official from Bhutan’s Elections Commission noted that the entire electoral process was of a very high quality.

Highlighting that it met the international standard that is expected from electoral bodies from all over the world, he remarked on the arrangements made by the Elections Commission of Maldives (EC) for Maldivians residing in foreign countries, especially in India, Sri Lanka and Malaysia.

As such, he stated that this has created the inclusiveness of the voters which has allowed them and facilitated them to vote away from their home.

Urging EC to implement this arrangement in future elections as well, he noted that this is something they could take to their country for implementation.

He stressed that facilitating the overseas voters has been a very big challenge in many countries, including Bhutan and added that it would provide a very great platform for countries in having this kind of system, for the voters.

Highlighting that the entire electoral process was very calm, peaceful, he expressed satisfaction from all team members with the quality of the polling process that took place throughout the entire day, without any conflict or chaos and with the disciplined voters which made it a very successful election.

He went on to shed light on the participation of women, which is a very, talked-about topic, sought-after topic, in this, contemporary democracy, expressing appreciation on the participation of women.

Almost 90 percent, I mean, I may not be in a position to exactly say the percentage per say, but, I think, by looking at the work done on the participation of women in different aspects of the polling process, we could easily make out that the participation of women was, impressive. Congratulations for that.”
Official from Bhutan’s Elections Commission.

Shedding light on the identification of international observers’ card, he stated that a very good system was in place to identify those visiting the polling stations.

He also commended the 75 percent voter turnout that EC has achieved in Sunday’s polls.

Of course, we're actually told that the this voter turnout is lower than what was there in the presidential election. But, in our opinion, we feel that, this is a very impressive turnout that EC has achieved. We would like on behalf of all here, I would like to congratulate the Election Commission of Maldives for having this elections very successfully.”
Official from Bhutan’s Elections Commission.

Speaking at the presser, the official representing the Election Commission of Georgia stated that everything was organized well, and most importantly, everything was organized in a peaceful manner.

I will say thank you, because we are here, and, we have a chance to be here and, to be observing this process. We are in different polling stations and, everything was organized well, and what is very important, everything was organized in a peaceful manner.”
Official from Election Commission of Georgia.

He congratulated EC of Maldives for a really well-done job.

Last updated at: 3 months ago
Reviewed by: Fathimath Zuhaira
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