K. Male'
05 Feb 2024 | Mon 12:02
Muizzu delivered his first presidential address at the inaugural parliament sitting held on Monday morning
Muizzu delivered his first presidential address at the inaugural parliament sitting held on Monday morning
Appointments to senior political posts
No further appointments will be made to top political posts: Pres.
Muizzu delivered his first presidential address on Monday morning
He said that there was a need to take measures to reduce the government’s expenditure
Muizzu administration has created the highest number of political posts in a short span of time in power

The president has announced his decision not to appoint any more individuals to top political positions.

President Dr. Mohamed Muizzu made this announcement while delivering his first-ever presidential address to the public, at the inaugural sitting of the first session of 2024 on Monday morning. This is the last session of the ongoing 19th parliament term.

As such, highlighting that measures need to be taken to reduce the government’s expenditure, the president stated that he has decided not to make any more appointments to senior political positions, except in exceptional circumstances.

According to the information publicized by the President’s Office website regarding political positions and appointments of the incumbent administration, Muizzu’s Cabinet of Ministers consists of 22 ministers including the president and vice president.

Abdul Raheem Abdulla was appointed as senior of the ministers.

12 appointments have been made to the President’s Office at minister level and eight have been appointed at minister level to ministries and institutions.

In addition to this, several more have been appointed at ministerial level to multiple companies and institutions.

As such, the number of ministers of state alone, sits close to 100.

Nine have been appointed as deputy ministers at the President’s Office, with more than 150 appointed as deputy ministers at ministries and state institutions.

However, the government has not disclosed the details of managing directors, directors and deputy managing directors alongside political appointments made to companies.

The government has also failed to clarify the number of political employees appointed to missions abroad, as well as other political appointees who are being inducted to ministry and those being inducted to companies.

The Muizzu administration has become the first administration to create the highest number of political posts in such a shot span of time in power.

Last updated at: 5 months ago
Reviewed by: Maryam Dhaanish Nasheed
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