K. Male'
27 Jul 2017 | Thu 17:50
Parliamentarians for Hinnavaru and West-Maafannu constituencies, Ibrahim Mohamed Solih (r) and Mohamed Falah (l)
Parliamentarians for Hinnavaru and West-Maafannu constituencies, Ibrahim Mohamed Solih (r) and Mohamed Falah (l)
Crackdown on Opposition
Investigation against parliamentarians must be 'fair'
The MPs are accused of breaking police ranks
In addition, MP for Kinbidhoo constituency Abdulla Riyaz has been ordered to present himself to police at 9 pm
It is important to note that no agency or institution had reviewed the case where, back in 2012, current Villimalé constituency MP Ahmed Nihan Hussain Manik had broken police ranks

Parliamentarians for Hinnavaru and West-Maafannu constituencies, Ibrahim Mohamed Solih and Mohamed Falah were summoned to the Maldives Police Service (MPS) on Thursday.

MP Falah was ordered to present himself at 3pm on Thursday, with the parliament's minority leader, MP Solih ordered to present himself at 5 pm. In addition, Kinbidhoo constituency MP Abdulla Riyaz has also been summoned to police. He is ordered to be there at 9 pm on Thursday.

They have been accused of obstruction for breaking police ranks on July 24, by 'forcefully' entering the parliament premises despite it being locked up by the Maldives National Defence Force (MNDF).

Speaking to RaajjeMV after leaving the police headquarters, MP Falah emphasized that they had gone to the parliament on July 24 to fulfill their responsibilities, adding that 'no one can stop [them] from doing so'.

MP Solih, who also spoke to the press after being questioned, said that officers had questioned him regarding the events that took place on Monday, adding that he had requested to continue in the presence of a lawyer. He said that he has been ordered to present himself to the police on Friday night with lawyer.

Solih further called on the institution to be fair and balanced in their investigation into the matter.

While authorities continue to file obstruction charges against the MPs, it is important to note that no agency or institution had reviewed the case where, back in 2012, current Villimalé constituency MP Ahmed Nihan Hussain Manik had broken police ranks.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Ismail Naail Nasheed
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