K. Male'
27 Jul 2017 | Thu 17:46
Six individuals have been arrested over a gang violence which took place on the streets of Malé City earlier this month
Six individuals have been arrested over a gang violence which took place on the streets of Malé City earlier this month
Gang Violence
Six arrested over gang violence in the capital
An 18-year-old was stabbed in eight places, in an attack that took place near Alcyon Bakery on July 19
One of the individuals arrested is a minor
The matter is being investigated by the police's Serious and Organized Crime Department

Six individuals have been arrested over a gang violence which took place on the streets of Malé City earlier this month.

Police media officer said that the six individuals were arrested over a gang violence that took place near Alcyon Bakery on July 19.

Arrested are; Munaz Mohamed, 21, S. Hithadhoo; Sirfan Ibrahim, 20, HA. Molhadhoo; Moosa Ibrahim, 21, K. Villingilli; Ibrahim Areen Ahmed, 20, S. Hitadhahoo; Aboobakuru Fariu, 20, N. Miladhoo. As the sixth individual arrested in a minor, police did not reveal his details.

According to police, Ibrahim Areen Ahmed and Aboobakuru Fariu were arrested on July 22, while Moosa Ibrahim was taken into custody on July 23. The rest were arrested on July 25.

They were all arrested under court orders.

Police medial officer said that their investigation show that these six individuals had actively taken part in the attack, adding that they have sufficient evidence to prove this.

An 18-year-old was stabbed in eight places, in an attack that took place near Alcyon Bakery on July 19.

The matter is being investigated by the police's Serious and Organized Crime Department.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Ismail Naail Nasheed
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