K. Male'
06 Dec 2023 | Wed 16:04
Bank of Maldives has donated 30 more wheelchairs under their annual wheelchair donation program
Bank of Maldives has donated 30 more wheelchairs under their annual wheelchair donation program
Bank of Maldives
BML continues its wheelchair donation program with 30 additional wheelchairs
The bank has this year added special manual wheelchairs
BML has delivered over 230 wheelchairs
BML has delivered wheelchairs to over 90 islands

Bank of Maldives has donated 30 more wheelchairs under their annual wheelchair donation program targeted for people with mobility impairments across the Maldives.

BML disclosed that, with this donation, the program which began in 2017 has now seen the successful delivery of over 230 wheelchairs to over 90 islands.

The bank's CEO, Karl Stumke commented that they are incredibly pleased to be able to make a difference in improving the lives of so many individuals and their families.

He noted that the wheelchair donation program has been instrumental in enhancing the quality of life for people with disabilities and is a proud investment that the bank makes.

In addition to the motorized wheelchairs for individuals who are able to independently operate the chairs, the bank has this year added special manual wheelchairs to its donation for children and adults who are dependent on others to get around.

BML states that the bank will continue to support people with disabilities through various programs.

The Bank is currently running a project for the refurbishment and upgrading of Home for People with Special Needs (HPSN) in K. Guraidhoo, and this year, it has partnered with Maldives Association of Persons with Disabilities (MAPD) and Maldives Deaf Association to carry out their annual programs.

Last updated at: 7 months ago
Reviewed by: Fathimath Zuhaira
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