K. Male'
13 Oct 2023 | Fri 13:50
The discussions were held at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Thursday
The discussions were held at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Thursday
Maldives-China bilateral cooperation
Discussions held on strengthening Maldives-China bilateral cooperation
FM Shahid expressed pleasure in sitting down for talks with the Chinese Ambassador
They spoke about issues of mutual interest
Discussions also revolved around views on strengthening bilateral cooperation

Discussions have been held on strengthening bilateral cooperation between Maldives and China.

The discussions were held between the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Abdulla Shahid and Ambassador of China to the Maldives Wang Lixin during a meeting held at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Thursday.

Taking to Twitter following the meeting, FM Shahid expressed pleasure in sitting down for talks with the Chinese Ambassador.

During the meeting, the Maldivian foreign minister expressed gratitude to the Chinese Ambassador for the continued support extended for the development of Maldives.

FM Shahid and Ambassador Lixin went on to engage in discussions on avenues to strengthen cooperation between the Maldives and China in the international fora.

Discussions also revolved around views on strengthening bilateral cooperation and issues of mutual interest.

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