K. Male'
31 Aug 2023 | Thu 14:41
President Solih inaugurated the RTL high-speed ferry service in Huvadhu atoll on Wednesday
President Solih inaugurated the RTL high-speed ferry service in Huvadhu atoll on Wednesday
Presidents Office
RTL high-speed ferry service
Revolutionary RTL high-speed ferry service inaugurated in Huvadhu atoll
The RTL service came into operation in Huvadhu atoll back in July
Individuals over 65, children under three years of age and those registered as persons with disabilities will be able to travel for free
RTL service is being implemented in six zones of the country in separate phases

The revolutionary Raajje Transport Link (RTL) high-speed ferry service has been launched in Huvadhu atoll.

President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih officially inaugurated the RTL high-speed ferry service in the atoll on Wednesday.

President Solih inaugurated the service at the Thinadhoo harbor as part of his campaign tour across the atoll, in a bid for re-election in this year’s Presidential election, slated for September.

The service was launched in Gaaf Alif and Gaaf Dhaal atolls under the incumbent administration’s Integrated National Public Ferry Network project, which aims to connect the country through a high-speed ferry network.

The RTL service came into operation in Huvadhu atoll back in July and the services were offered free of charge from July 20 to July 26, in a bid to allow the public to familiarize themselves with the service.

Under the service, individuals over 65, children under three years of age and those registered as persons with disabilities will be able to travel for free.

Due to the lengthy travel period of more than five hours from some islands to access services in Thinadhoo, residents of the atoll earlier faced massive challenges especially in the issue of socioeconomic development.

Introducing the RTL service was a significant step to reduce travel time and costs, which in turn improves social connections, and steers a revolutionary transformation across the region.

Connecting the island nation through an integrated high-speed ferry network is one of President Solih’s pledges.

An initiative of the Maldives Transport and Contracting Company (MTCC), the RTL service is being implemented in six zones of the country in separate phases.

So far, the service has been introduced in zone one which connects Haa Alif, Haa Dhaal and Shaviyani atolls in the Bodu Thiladhunmathi region, Lhaviyani atoll in zone two as well as southernmost Addu City and Fuvahmulah City in zone six.

Under the RTL service, 82 vessels will be operated, and ferry terminals will be constructed across 188 islands.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Maryam Dhaanish Nasheed
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