K. Male'
03 Jul 2017 | Mon 22:08
File photo: Adhaalath Party leader Sheikh Imran Abdulla at May Day 2015 rally
File photo: Adhaalath Party leader Sheikh Imran Abdulla at May Day 2015 rally
Kunooz Rally
The countdown has begun, to end this tyranny: Sheikh Imran
Imran's message was read out by Adhaalath Party's deputy Ali Zahir
He also thanked former President Maumoon and JPleader Qasim Ibrahim for joining the opposition movement
Before his taken back to prison, Imran said that victory was "imminent" for the opposition

"We are counting the days towards freeing ourselves from this tyranny has begun," says leader of Adhaalath Party Sheikh Imran Abdulla.

Imran, who is currently in Maafushi Prison serving a 12-year sentence on terror charges, made the statement in a message read out by the party’s leader Ali Zahir, at the opposition gathering held at Maafannu Kunooz on Monday night.

In the message, the Adhaalath Party leader said that “we are counting the days towards freedom from this tyranny,” noting that they had first worked to resolve the issues within the government and “to bring the government to the right path”.

“We are doing this to secure a better future for the citizens,” added Imran.

Imran also thanked former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom and Jumhooree Party leader Qasim Ibrahim for joining the opposition movement.

Furthermore, Imran highlighted that the parliamentarians “have nothing to fear,” following the submission of the no-confidence motion against parliament speaker Abdulla Maseeh on Monday afternoon, with the signatures of 45 lawmakers, including 11 from the ruling Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM).

The Adhaalath Party leader was taken back to prison on Friday, after having been transferred to house arrest for Ramadan.

Before his taken back to prison, Imran spoke to RaajjeTV and noted that “the crimes of the current regime are now becoming clear to the public”, adding that the opposition’s victory was “imminent”.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Hussein Fiyaz
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