K. Male'
02 Jul 2017 | Sun 16:27
The fire was reported at around 2:15 pm
The fire was reported at around 2:15 pm
Fire Incident
Speedboat catches fire, all four onboard escape with minor burns
The fire was reported to MNDF at around 2:15 pm
MNDF said that the flames were put out in 30 minutes
The speedboat belongs to Makunudhoo Island Resort

A speedboat, docked in the northern harbor of the capital city Malé, caught fire on Sunday afternoon.

Maldives National Defence Force (MNDF) said that the incident was reported at around 2:15 pm, and that the fire was controlled within 30 minutes.

The flame was put out in around 30 minute, according to MNDF

All four people onboard the speedboat at the time of the incident had sustained injuries, and were taken to Indhira Gandhi Memorial Hospital (IGMH) for treatment.

Speaking to RaajjeMV, the hospital's information officer Ahmed Mausoom said that none of them had sustained any serious burns. However, he noted that one member had burns on 10 percent of his body.

All four crew members onboard are safe, but had sustaiend minor injuries in the incident

The speedboat belongs to Makunudhoo Island Resort, and was damaged beyond use.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Hussein Fiyaz
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