K. Male'
30 Jun 2017 | Fri 22:19
Galolhu South Constituency Parliamentarian Ahmed Mahloof
Galolhu South Constituency Parliamentarian Ahmed Mahloof
Former Vice President Ahmed Ad
I facilitated Adeeb’s letter: Mahloof
This was one of the things discussed while behind bars, says Mahloof

Galolhu South Constituency Parliamentarian Ahmed Mahloof says that he had facilitated the letter sent by former Vice President Ahmed Adeeb, which had claimed that former Defense Minister Mohamed Nazim was innocent of the weapons possession charges raised against him.

Speaking to RaajjeTV regarding the transfer of Nazim back to prison, Mahloof said he had spoken to Adeeb regarding the letter when he was in prison and appealed to Adeeb over it. He said it was likely that the letter had leaked from either the Supreme Court or Maldives Police Service.

‘As you know, I spent around eight months in jail with Ahmed Adeeb. I was privy to the letter and all that had happened for that letter to come across. So, I know what had happened,’ Mahloof said.

Mahloof further expressed his concerns over Adeeb’s medical condition, stating that it was likely that individuals may seek to further exacerbate his condition. He said Adeeb’s family had also met him and expressed concern over Adeeb’s current condition. Mahloof noted that while presently Adeeb was being denied medical treatment, he will be sent after the 2018 Presidential Elections.

Mahloof said the letter was one of the many things the two had discussed while in jail.

Last updated at: 2 years ago
Reviewed by: Hussein Fiyaz
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