K. Male'
08 Dec 2022 | Thu 17:29
The President's Office
The President's Office
Government holidays
Additional government holidays for 2023 declared by pres.
Three more days have been declared government holidays
September 28 coincides with the occasion of Eid Milad ul-Nabi
The 25th and 26th of June coincide with the Hajj Day and the Eid holidays

Additional government holidays for 2023 have been declared by President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih.

A directive issued by the President’s Office on Thursday reads that the president has declared additional government holidays for the upcoming year.

The dates declared additional government holidays are:

  • 25 June 2023 (a Sunday)
  • 26 June 2023 (a Monday)
  • 28 September 2023 (a Thursday)

This comes as the 25th and 26th of June coincide with the Hajj Day and the Eid holidays.

Further, September 28 coincides with the occasion of Eid Milad ul-Nabi, the birth of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), which falls on September 27.

Other days already announced as government holidays will remain listed as holidays, in addition to the three more holidays.

Last updated at: 1 year ago
Reviewed by: Maryam Dhaanish Nasheed
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