K. Male'
21 Jun 2017 | Wed 08:49
Aminath Nadhira-
Aminath Nadhira-
Progressive Party of Maldives
They will continue to fail without President Maumoon: Nadhira
Nadhira said they can "snatch" the party away from the former president, but that they "will not succeed" without him
She said that the opposition's work is going ahead at a fast pace, and that the public is to see more developments
While Nadhira represents former President Maumoon's faction of PPM, the party has been divided into two since June 2016

Deputy leader of former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom's faction of the ruling party, Aminath Nadhira has said that those who have snatched their party "will not be able to succeed" without the former president.

Nadhira, who has been removed from the party by incumbent President Abdulla Yameen's faction of the Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM) made the statement on RaajjeTV's 'Sungadi Sunminute' programme on Tuesday night.

She said that they can "snatch" the party away from the former president, but that they "will not succeed" without him, adding that Maumoon has been working tirelessly in their reform work.

"Our work is going ahead at a fast pace. The people can see the various developments. There is more to come. Despite snatching away the party, they have not succeeded in anything," she said, adding that they will continue to fail.

During Tuesday night's interview, Nadhira also hinted that the courts are being used by the government, adding that Maumoon's faction has yet to receive any justice in any of the cases filed by them.

Furthermore, she noted that the Civil Court order, which allowed President Yameen to take control of PPM, said "to hold a meeting chaired by the chief advisor".

Noting that those in attendance at the meeting chose to appoint President Yameen to lead the party, Nadhira emphasized that PPM's rules not that "the party's chief advisor cannot run the party".

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Ali Yoosuf
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