K. Male'
17 Jun 2017 | Sat 22:04
Former VP Ahmed Adeeb's defense lawyer, Moosa Siraj
Former VP Ahmed Adeeb's defense lawyer, Moosa Siraj
Former VP Ahmed Adeeb
Had no choice but to go to media reg. ex-VP Adeeb's medical condition: Siraj
Adeeb has reportedly developed an internal cyst, kidney stones, and vision impairment from glaucoma since his incarceration in 2015
Siraj said that they had no choice but to go to the media reg, his health condition as authorities failed to take any action
The former VP is serving a 33-year jail term at Dhoonidhoo prison over charges of corruption and terrorism

Former Vice President Ahmed Adeeb's defense lawyer, Moosa Siraj has said that they did not have a choice but to reveal the former VP's health condition to the media.

Siraj made the comment while speaking on RaajjeTV's "Fala Surukhee" programme on Saturday night.

Noting that his client's health condition keeps getting worse day by day, Siraj said they were forced to go to the media after authorities failed to the give the situation any attention.

The former VP's family had released a statement claiming that he has developed an internal cyst, kidney stones and vision impairment from glaucoma since his incarceration in 2015.

Siraj noted that he has to do two additional tests, and that they are not available in the Maldives, adding that these results were from tests done by state-sponsored doctors, and not done privately by Adeeb's family.

Earlier in the week, the lawyer said that Adeeb could die in his prison cell, if the adequate medical care is not provided, emphasizing that the cyst could turn into cancer. He also noted that Adeeb has a family history of cancer, and that a relative of his had passed away due to the illness.

Adeeb was sentenced to a total of 33 years in prison on charges of corruption and terrorism, and is currently being held in Dhoonidhoo Detention Centre.

Amnesty International has called on Maldivian authorities to immediately grant the prisoned former VP permission to travel abroad to seek medical care, and his case has been filed at the United Nations. The case was filed by the Special Rapporteur Ahmed Shaheed, who announced that he has made an appointment for Adeeb, with fellow Rapporteur Dr. Dainius Pūras.

Last updated at: 2 years ago
Reviewed by: Hussein Fiyaz
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