K. Male'
16 Jun 2017 | Fri 01:01
Police officers at a training session
Police officers at a training session
Police summons
Viber can be used to send summons now: Police
Can send summons via viber
Can notify one hour prior if cannot attend session
Twelve clauses in new procedures

A new set of procedures were introduced so that Maldives Police Service (MPS) can issue summons via social media application viber.

The new procedures were introduced at a time when Police had issued a number of summons which had not been delivered to the recipients as they were abroad.

The new procedures state that summons can be delivered to the recipient or an adult living in the address of the recipient. If the two refuses to accept the summons, it can be sent via post or any other form of communication, including social media applications such as viber, email, fax, text message.

The delivery reports and automatic messages such as the seen receipt will be taken as having delivered the summons to the intended recipient.

The new procedures include 12 clauses.

Procedures also say that the recipient must inform an hour prior to the time stated in the summons, if they are unable to submit himself. Previously this was at two hours.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Aishath Shaany
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