K. Male'
13 Jun 2017 | Tue 10:13
Galolhu South Constituency Member of Parliamentarian Ahmed Mahloof in Fala Suruhee program
Galolhu South Constituency Member of Parliamentarian Ahmed Mahloof in Fala Suruhee program
MP Ahmed Mahloof
Nasheed taught that united efforts must take precedence over past: Mahloof
Had to spend 40 days in solitary
Had communicated with Adeeb while in jail
Not only Asela, there is a female version

The biggest lesson from former President Nasheed was that united efforts must take precedence over the events of the past, says Galolhu South Constituency Member of Parliamentarian Ahmed Mahloof.

Speaking in RaajjeTV’s ‘Fala Surukhee’ program, the recently freed Parliamentarian, said that one of the best lessons he had learnt from the former President was the insistence on fair treatment, in spite of political, ideological differences and past experiences.

‘I do believe that President Maumoon was instrumental in my political career. I respect him. Even though I was booted out of PPM by President Yameen, I did tell President Nasheed that I will not say anything against President Muamoon. Nasheed instructed that it should not be done, that he respected him [President Maumoon], that he did not wish to see any harm befall on him. This is one of the most admirable traits of Nasheed,’ he said.

Mahloof said while jail was the punishment for crimes, no additional punishment must be levied during the period. Noting that he was placed in solitary for 40 days, Mahloof said that laws state that a person can be kept in solitary only for 30 days, at the maximum. Exceeding that amount was emotional torture, Mahloof noted.

‘In the discussions with Home Minister Azleen, he said all affairs of those accorded special protection status, were determined by President Yameen,’ Mahloof added.

Reflecting on his time in jail, Mahloof said that he had not suffered any losses. However, he said his daughter had suffered due to his incarceration. The time in jail had helped him gain a deeper bond with religion, he said.

‘I prayed, read Quran, it benefited me. But my daughter suffered a lot. Overall, I gained a lot during this period,’ he said.

In the program, Mahloof spoke about the former Vice President Ahmed Adeeb as well. Stating that Adeeb must be given access to proper medical care, Mahloof said the Government took extra measures to ensure the two would not be able to meet. However, he said these measures were in vain as he had managed to speak with Adeeb on numerous occasions at length.

‘I want to say to people like Dr. Shainee, I have many stories. They will surface, backed with proof. And it’s not just Asela, there is a female version of that too,’ he said.

Last updated at: 2 years ago
Reviewed by: Shan Anees
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