K. Male'
07 Jun 2017 | Wed 15:19
Stealing Paradise was released in September 2016
Stealing Paradise was released in September 2016
One World Media Awards
Al Jazeera's Stealing Paradise picks up award at One World Media Awards
Stealing Paradise was released in September 2016
The exposé was based on evidence gathered from three of the former Vice President Ahmed Adeeb’s mobile phones
The goal of giving out the Corruption Reporting Awards is "to highlight and encourage the coverage of corruption around the world"

Al Jazeera’s exposé on Maldives, Stealing Paradise has won an award at the One World Media Awards on Tuesday.

The documentary won this year’s Corruption Reporting Award on Tuesday, which is sponsored by Transparency International.

“The goal is to highlight and encourage the coverage of corruption around the world. Reporting about corruption takes courage and determination. The award seeks to honour journalists who bring the abuses of entrusted power to light because only when corruption is uncovered, can it be tackled”, said Transparency International.

Following the win, Stealing Paradise’s producer Will Jordan said that the award was dedicated to missing Maldivian journalist Ahmed Rilwan, murdered blogger Yameen Rasheed, and the people of Maldives.

Created by Al Jazeera’s Investigative Unit, Stealing Paradise uncovers a $1.5 billion money laundering scam involving the country’s president and then vice president. The government of Maldives has denied the allegations made in the documentary.

This year’s awards ceremony was held at BAFTA in London on June 6.

Now in its 29th year, One World Media Awards consists of 15 categories, which are;

  •  International Journalist of the Year Award
  • Refugee Reporting Award
  • New Voice Award
  • Radio Award
  • Television Documentary Award
  • Print Award
  • Digital Media Award
  • Short Film Award
  • Women’s Rights in Africa Award
  • News Award
  • Popular Features Award
  • Feature Documentary Award
  • Student Award
  • Corruption Reporting Award
  • Special Award


Described as “a celebration of the most outstanding media coverage of the developing world”, the awards “showcase excellence and recognise the journalists and filmmakers whose work increases cultural understating and promotes equality and justice worldwide”.

One World Media is a non-profit organization that supports international journalism, and promotes media coverage of global issues.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Hussein Fiyaz
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