K. Male'
06 Jun 2017 | Tue 01:01
Newly elected council members taking their oaths of office on Saturday, 3rd June
Newly elected council members taking their oaths of office on Saturday, 3rd June
Dhonfanu Island Council
LGA steps in to elect council chair for Dhonfanu, after 11 votes failing to do so
The council has now chosen Ali Rasheed to be its chair and Hussein Rasheed has been elected deputy chair
The Local Government Authority (LGA) had met with members of the council

The Dhonfanu island council has been able to elect a chair and deputy chair after failing to do so even after 11 votes.

Council members had chosen to vote for themselves on every count.  The Local Government Authority (LGA) had met with members to resolve the issue.

The council has now chosen Ali Rasheed to be its chair and Hussein Rasheed has been elected deputy chair.

All council members at Dhonfanu were elected on nonpartisan tickets.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Hussein Fiyaz
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