K. Male'
13 Jan 2022 | Thu 15:00
Five key agreements were signed during China Foreign Minister Wang Yi's visit to Maldives
Five key agreements were signed during China Foreign Minister Wang Yi's visit to Maldives
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Foreign Minister Wang Yi's visit to Maldives
“State Councilor’s historic visit started a new journey for China-Maldives relations”
Ambassador Lixin issued a written briefing on the State Councilor’s official visit from January 7 – 8
The ambassador shed light on five important points to summarize the achievements of the visit
Maldives was an important destination on the State Councilor’s first New Year trip and has proven to be of significance to mark the beginning of the 50th anniversary of diplomatic relations

State Councilor and Foreign Minister of China, Wang Yi recently concluded a fruitful visit to the Maldives, which the Chinese Ambassador to Maldives, Wang Lixin has described to have created the future and started a new journey for the relationship between China and Maldives.

Ambassador Lixin issued a written briefing on the State Councilor’s official visit from January 7 – 8 on Wednesday, highlighting that the recent “historic” visit has “enhanced” mutual trust, “expanded” practical cooperation, “deepened” traditional friendship and created the future, starting a “new” journey for the ties between both countries.

Highlighting that the fruitful visit is of “great significance” to the Maldives-China relationship, the ambassador shed light on five important points to summarize the achievements of the visit.

One important visit.

Maldives was an important destination on the State Councilor’s first New Year trip and has proven to be of significance to mark the beginning of the 50th anniversary of Maldives-China diplomatic relations and an important high-level visit from China in recent years which is of great significance or the future development of bilateral ties.

In commemoration of the 50th anniversary since the establishment of diplomatic relations, celebratory events were launched with the unveiling of the official logo.

As State Councilor Wang Yi said at the joint press conference, his visit to the Maldives is fruitful, which is the best mark of the 50th anniversary of the establishment of bilateral diplomatic relations and will advance the development of the future-oriented, all-round friendly and cooperative partnership between China and the Maldives”
Wang Lixin, Ambassador of China to Maldives.

Two major goals.

Ambassador Lixin went on to shed the spotlight on the two major goals the visit has brought to the surface; one being to review and summarize the important achievements and experience of the bilateral relations which have gathered over the past 50 years.

The second goal, she said, is to draw a blueprint for the future development of the relationship between Maldives and China.

Three important messages.

The Chinese Ambassador stated that the visit has presented three important messages; one being that China has “always” upheld that all nations are equal and that China has “always” supported the Maldives in safeguarding its sovereignty and territorial integrity, pursuing an independent foreign policy.

Maldives “firmly” upholds the One-China principle and supports China on issues of core interest.

The statement goes on to read that through 50 years of joint collaboration, Maldives and China have withstood the test of international fluctuations and in turn become more mature and a model of friendly exchanges and win-win cooperation.

Further, with “down-to-earth” actions, China supports the Maldives to speed up its socio-economic construction and enhancing the capability of independent development.

China-Maldives Friendship Bridge, the expansion and upgrading project of the Velana International Airport, social housing and other projects have brought transformative changes to the Maldivian people’s lives”
Wang Lixin, Ambassador of China to Maldives.

The third important message is that at the historical point of the 50th anniversary of diplomatic relations, the two sides must take a broader view and open up a new chapter of mutually beneficial and friendly cooperation.

Four key directions for future cooperation.

Ambassador Lixin highlighted that four key directions for future cooperation have surfaced due to the visit.

Firstly, both countries are required to continue cooperation in battling the Covid-19 pandemic for a “complete” victory.

The second one, is to continue to build the Belt and Road with high quality, fast-tracking cooperation on key projects and tourism as well as promote the ratification and taking effect of the free trade agreement at an early date in a bid to offer incentive to the post-pandemic economic recovery of Maldives.

Ambassador Lixin noted the fourth key direction for future cooperation to be expanding cooperation with the Maldives in emerging fields including communication, digitization and marine economy, as well as to back its efforts for the strategy of diversified development.

Fourthly, both countries have been directed to solidify coordination in international affairs and safeguard the international system centered on the United Nations.

Five key agreements on cooperation.

The agreements signed between both countries are:

  • Agreement on Mutual Visa Exemption between the Government of the Republic of Maldives and the Government of the People’s Republic of China,
  • Agreement of Economic and Technical Cooperation between the Government of the Republic of Maldives and the Government of the People’s Republic of China on Grand Aid,
  • Letter of Exchange on the Feasibility Study of Management and Maintenance of China-Maldives Friendship Bridge,
  • Supplementary Contract to the Implementation Contract for China Aided Micro-Grid Sea-water Desalination Project in the Maldives
  • Agreement on Establishing a Hospital Assistance and Cooperation Programme between the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Maldives and the National Health Commission of the People’s Republic of China.

Ambassador Lixin revealed that the visa exemption agreement will “greatly” facilitate the movement of people between Maldives and China once the pandemic has been controlled, which will in turn assist in the enhancement of people-to-people contact and friendship.

Further, China will assist the Maldives on socio-economic, likelihood and infrastructure construction under the agreement on economic and technical cooperation on grant aid.

The ‘China-Maldives Friendship Bridge’ or the ‘Sinamale Bridge’ is a landmark project in the cooperation under the BRI between Maldives and China. With this being said, the ambassador noted that China will support for the bridge’s follow-up management and maintenance, facilitating the local people’s travel and making more contributions to the economic and social development of Maldives.

The sea-water desalination project will see the government of China funding the establishment of sea water desalination plants in five inhabited islands, in the near future. Each of them will satisfy the water demands of 2,000 residents, effectively solving the issue of fresh-water scarcity among local communities.

In addition to this, the government of China will provide support and assistance to the government of Maldives in capacity-building for a regional ophthalmic center and help more people with vision impairment to recover eyesight with quality medical services provided under the agreement on hospital assistance and cooperation programme.

These new initiatives will see China supporting the government of Maldives in a bid to accelerate economic and social construction and improve the independent development capacity, which will not only provide incentive for the revival of the economy and improvement of the Maldivian people’s livelihood, but also help promote people-to-people exchanges and friendship between the two countries.

As State Councilor Wang Yi said, “Facts have shown that the joint construction of the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road by China and the Maldives serves the common interests of the two peoples. We are embarking on a shared path to hope, prosperity and happiness.”
Wang Lixin, Ambassador of China to Maldives.

The statement concluded with a hopeful ambassador stressing that China is “ready” to work together with the government of Maldives to implement the important consensus and results of the visit, and to take the 50th anniversary as an opportunity to promote the “future-oriented”, “all-round friendly” and “cooperative” partnership to newer heights, which will in turn pave the path to a “brighter” and “better” future for the relationship between both countries.

The minister’s visit came upon the invitation of Maldives Minister of Foreign Affairs Abdulla Shahid and mirrored efforts by both countries to solidify the long-standing bilateral ties between Maldives and China.

The visit saw the Chinese minister paying a courtesy call on President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih and FM Shahid. Both foreign ministers engaged in bilateral discussions, after which they observed the signing of the key agreements. This was followed by a joint statement where FM Shahid shed light on the important role China has played in the socio-economic development of the Maldives, contributing immensely towards social housing, capacity building, infrastructure development, and tourism for over five decades.

In commemorating 50 years of diplomatic ties, we have reached a threshold of maturity and friendship in our bilateral relations, as evidenced by the intensity of our ongoing dialogue and people to people contact. In the years ahead, we are confident that our relations, and our cooperation in all areas, will be further strengthened and enhanced.”
Abdulla Shahid, Maldives Minister of Foreign Affairs.

Maldives accords China as one of the most important development partners. China continues to contribute to the socio-economic development of Maldives, in several areas of significance.

Last updated at: 2 years ago
Reviewed by: Maryam Dhaanish Nasheed
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