K. Male'
22 Sep 2021 | Wed 01:10
President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih delivered the General Debate Statement at the 76th Session of the United Nations General Assembly
President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih delivered the General Debate Statement at the 76th Session of the United Nations General Assembly
President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih
Maldives condemns terrorism in all its forms and manifestations, everywhere: President Solih
The president made his General Debate Statement at the 76th session of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA), on Tuesday
Maldives honored itself by being a moderate Muslim nation where rationalist Islam has prevailed
The president expressed his government’s resilience to work with the international community to acknowledge and face terrorism in a comprehensive manne

The government of Maldives condemns terrorism in all its forms, everywhere, says President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih.

The president made this remark during his General Debate Statement at the 76th session of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA), on Tuesday.

Solih stressed that the country must not remain unbothered by the increasing threats of religious extremism taking over the real teachings of Islam. The president noted that extremism will lead to the poisoning of growing minds with violent and untrue teachings and interpretations of the religion.

Further, he added that Maldives honored itself by being a moderate Muslim nation where rationalist Islam has prevailed.

In his address, the president expressed his government’s resilience to work with the international community to acknowledge and face terrorism in a comprehensive manner.

Stating that terrorism is among the most “urgent” threats impacting the globe currently, the Maldivian president highlighted that the island nation is not immune to the menace posed by radicalized extremists.

Shedding light on the assassination attempt that targeted the life of current Speaker of Parliament and Former President Mohamed Nasheed back in May, President Solih declared that the island nation “would not just stand idly” and watch as more of such “cowardly” attacks are conspired.

In October 2019, President Solih ratified the second Amendment to the Anti-Terrorism Act which accentuates political and religious extremism as well as radicalization as acts of terrorism. Any form of support towards promoting extremism and radicalization and even participation in such acts are deemed acts of terrorism, under the amendment.

In addition to contributing to the prevention of terrorism by incorporating early intervention strategies, it also allows police “to arrest terror suspects without a warrant, conduct invasive body searches, deny private consultations with legal counsel and detain suspects for 48 hours before taking them before a judge.” The bill also criminalizes supporting extremist ideologies, including political and religious extremism, and spreading fear within society, as well as any attempts to go to any war zones without authorization. The amendments also specify hefty prison sentences for anyone convicted of terrorism.

President Solih addressed the 74th United Nations General Assembly in New York, during September 2019 for the first time. It was not only Solih’s first visit to the UNGA, but it was also the first time a Maldivian head of state was present in over seven years.

Last updated at: 8 months ago
Reviewed by: Imad Latheef
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