K. Male'
21 May 2017 | Sun 20:09
Authorities began searching for Mariya 3 on Thursday
Authorities began searching for Mariya 3 on Thursday
Pratap Singh
Missing at Sea
Indian Amb. praises Indian Navy and MNDF for successful rescue operation
INS Kirch located missing Maldivian landing craft, Mariya 3, with six people onboard on Saturday evening
Ambassador Mishra said he is proud of the professionalism and courage of the Indian naval officers
MNDF, along with the Indian navy ship "Kirch" are working to bring the landing craft to Malé City, which has proven to be difficult due to poor weather conditions

Indian Ambassador to the Maldives, Akhilesh Mishra has commended the crew of the Indian Navy ship, INS Kirch and MNDF “for their exemplary coordination and cooperation to ensure the success of a humanitarian operation”.

On Saturday evening, INS Kirch located the missing Maldivian landing craft, Mariya 3, with six people onboard; a Maldivian couple and four expatriates. The vessel had been missing since May 17.

In an interview to the Asian News International (ANI), Ambassador Mishra said that he is “very proud of the professionalism, unflinching courage and commitment to duty displayed by the Indian Naval officers in undertaking the search and rescue operation in an extremely challenging weather”.

MNDF had requested assistance from the Indian navy ship, in searching for the missing landing craft. The navy ship was already in the Maldives, in order to conduct a joint-training programme- and had to delay its departure due to the poor weather conditions.

The ship’s aircraft located the landing craft 130 nautical miles north east of Isdhoo island of Laamu atoll, while patrolling the area and informed INS Kirch.

MNDF had revealed that Mariya 3 had been located, and it had drifted after its forward ramp “collapsed”, making it unable for it to propel.

MNDF informed that all six people onboard are safe and “in good condition”.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Rushdha Rasheed
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