K. Male'
05 Aug 2021 | Thu 16:06
Attorney Ahmed Nazim Abdul Sattar
Attorney Ahmed Nazim Abdul Sattar
Ahmed Nazim
Ex-Pres. Nasheed assassination attempt
Nasheed appoints younger brother Nazim Sattar as attorney
While police have made 10 arrests in relation to the attack, PG Office has raised charges against four of the suspects
Nazim said that Nasheed is yet to make a decision on the matter
Appointment made following calls for the former president to give a statement in the investigation and trial into the attempt on his life

Speaker and former President, Mohamed Nasheed has appointed his younger brother Ahmed Nazim Abdul Sattar as his attorney.

While the investigation and trial into the assassination attempt on the former president requires a statement from him, Nasheed has informed the Prosecutor General's (PG) Office of his decision to appoint Nazim as his lawyer.

The letter to the PG Office states that Nazim will represent him in the trial.

While the appointment was announced following calls for the former president to give a statement in the investigation and trial, Nazim said that Nasheed is yet to make a decision on the matter.

Former President Mohamed Nasheed is in the United Kingdom (UK), having traveled there from Germany for further treatment for the injuries he faced because of the attack. He has revealed plans to return home next month, however, nothing is yet confirmed.

While police have made 10 arrests in relation to the attack, PG Office has raised charges against four of the suspects. They are Mujaz Ahmed, Thahmeen Ahmed, Ali Haisham and Adhuham Ahmed Rasheed who has signed a plea deal with the state for a reduced 23-year sentence; Adhuham was identified as the man who detonated the IED on May 6.

12 charges have been raised against the four, while the PG Office decided against raising charges against a fifth suspect Ismail Fathih "for now".

Last updated at: 2 years ago
Reviewed by: Aishath Shaany
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