K. Male'
26 Jul 2021 | Mon 17:04
Maldives gained Independence on 26th July 1965
Maldives gained Independence on 26th July 1965
Independence Day 2021
Independence Day: a look back at the beginning of establishment of diplomatic relations
Maldives has established ties with 184 nations since gaining independence in 1965
Ironically, the first country to form a diplomatic relationship with the Maldives was the British whom they were colonized by
United States was the last nation to form ties with Maldives on the year of independence

It is important that we look at the true meaning of the word "independence" – independence is having the power to be in control of one's actions and words, it is having the freedom to be one's self.

This is the story of how the Maldives escaped the crutches of the British, a story everyone is familiar with. However, most people simply know the surface, so lets dive a little deeper into the history.

The nations that were quick to establish diplomatic connections with Maldives following independence on 26th July 1965, still maintain these relations.

According to the latest information by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Maldives has established ties with 184 nations since gaining independence in 1965. While ties with some have severed over various issues, this includes some nations that accepted Maldives independence at the beginning as well.

The United Kingdom and Northern Ireland (26th July 1965)

Ironically, the first country to form a diplomatic relationship with the Maldives was the British whom they were colonized by; or in their words, “under the protection of”. As soon as the Declaration of Independence was signed by Ibrahim Nasir on 26th July 1965, the British approached the Maldives to officially establish ties.

Sri Lanka (26th July 1965)

Sri Lanka, on the same day that they signed the Declaration with the Maldives approached Maldives right after the United Kingdom. Maldivians, no matter how young or old, will be aware of how the country's independence declaration was signed in neighboring Colombo.

The bond between the Maldives and Sri Lanka which dates back to 1965 still remains strong and cemented. No matter how many times the government changes, the relationship between the two nations stands secure. Whenever the Maldives has called out for help or finds itself in trouble, Sri Lanka has always been one of the first to lend a helping hand. With a number of Maldivians residing there, Sri Lanka's capital, Colombo has been described as Maldives' second largest city.

India (1st November 1965)

Next on the list is India, another everlasting relationship. Holding the majority of regional power, India has always provided its services to the Maldives. Furthermore, India’s role in the Maldives becoming independent as a member of the United Nations (UN) in September of 1965 is a fact to be noted. Ever since officially forming diplomatic ties with the Maldives on 1st November, 1956 India has remained an exemplary neighbor and partner.

While Maldives has faced various obstacles in maintaining independency, it is important to note that India has always been a helping had in such circumstances most notably in 1988 following a request by then President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom after 200 to 300 armed mercenaries landed in the country's capital.

India has undoubtedly proven its close connection to the Maldives and has served an important role in helping the Maldives get back on its feet following incidents such as the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami and the ongoing Covid-19 situation, among others.

United States (10th November 1965)

While considering the role of the many heroes who have made sacrifices to ensure the Maldives' freedom, it is important to note that the diplomatic connections formed with powerful nations helped in maintaining the country's independence.

United States' acceptance of Maldives independence and decision to establish ties on 10th November 1965 helped the island nation in making its mark in the world.

While the United States was the last nation to form ties with Maldives on the year of independence, it acceptance led to other nations following suit in the years ahead.

2021 UNGA win; new milestone for Maldives

Countries such as  Italy, Germany, Russia, Pakistan and South Korea established diplomatic relations with the Maldives in 1966. Following that, in 1977, Japan, Malaysia, Egypt, France and Myanmar entered diplomatic relations with the Maldives as well.

As a result, within 10 years of gaining independence, the number of countries that established ties with Maldives increased to 178 from 26.

Today, the Maldives fights for human rights and the rights of the nation itself and has broken multiple records. Furthermore, Maldivian Foreign Minister Abdulla Shahid's election as the President of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) this June proves just how far the small island nation has come since gaining independence on 26th July 1965.

Last updated at: 2 years ago
Reviewed by: Aishath Shaany
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