K. Male'
14 May 2017 | Sun 21:26
Ex-President Nasheed said that the opposition coalition will succeed in their work
Ex-President Nasheed said that the opposition coalition will succeed in their work
State VS Opposition
Ex-Pres. says 'irrational court rulings will not make the people back down'
Ex-President Nasheed said that the opposition coalition will succeed in their work
Nasheed, who has been in Lanka since March, returned to the United Kingdom on Saturday
Sentenced to 13 years imprisonment over terror charges, Nasheed has been granted political asylum in UK

Former President Mohamed Nasheed has said that the people will not back down despite the ‘irrational’ court rulings.

In a tweet sent out in Dhivehi on Sunday, the former President and leader of the opposition Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) said that neither the people nor the lawmakers will back down “due to irrational court rulings”.

“The opposition coalition will succeed in their work”, added Nasheed.

While he did not state a specific reason, the passport of Dhiggaru constituency MP Ahmed Faris Maumoon was confiscated earlier on Sunday.

According to Faris, his passport was confiscated on Sunday “under an expired court order”.

READ MORE: Passport withheld under an expired court order: MP Faris

In addition, leader of opposition Jumhooree Party, Qasim Ibrahim was released from detention last Wednesday, under the condition that he abides by seven terms dictated by the court.

The court’s ruling stated that Qasim is obliged to do the following:

  • Assist in the police investigation into the allegations against him
  • To refrain from any acts that constitute witness tampering
  • To not leave the borders of the capital city
  • To not make remarks that hinders the dignity of the parliament, judiciary or government and those that are charged with presiding over these institutions
  • To not express sentiments inciting discord
  • To not meet or interact with individuals who hold sentiments inciting discord
  • To ensure that any lands or property held by him is not used to spread sentiments inciting discord

In addition, former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom said that it is the only lawmakers that have the right to propose and amend laws, as per the Constitution.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Abdulla Naseer Ibrahim
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