K. Male'
14 May 2017 | Sun 20:52
The fire started at around 3 am on Sunday
The fire started at around 3 am on Sunday
Fire Incident
Garage in L. Gan catches fire, items inside damaged beyond use
The fire started at around 3 am on Sunday
No one was injured in the incident, three motorcycle damaged beyond use
Some media outlets report that the motorcycles belong to a police officer and his family members

Three motorcycles have been damaged beyond use in a fire in Gan island of Laamu atoll.

A garage of a house in Laamu Gan caught fire early Sunday morning.

Media official at Maldives Police Service (MPS) confirmed that the fire had occurred inside a garage in the Mathimaradhoo district of Laamu Gan, saying that the incident occurred at around 3 am on Sunday.

Police said that while no one was injured in the fire, three motorcycles inside the garage were destroyed beyond use. Cause of the fire is yet to be found.

Some media outlets report that one of the motorcycles inside the garage belongs to a police officer stationed at the Gan Police Station, while the other two belongs to members of his family.

Police is currently investigating the case.



Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Ismail Naail Nasheed
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