K. Male'
13 May 2017 | Sat 21:32
Judge Ali Hameed
Judge Ali Hameed
Azmoon Ahmed
Zaidhul Ameen
Judge Ali Hameed not to be presented as a witness in Zaidhul's case
Zaidhul Ameen was arrested on January 13th on allegations of attempting to blackmail a judge
He has been charged with obstruction
PG Office, as well as Ameen's lawyer refused to comment on the mattter

RaajjeMV has learnt that Supreme Court Judge Ali Hameed will not be presented to court as a witness, in the blackmail case against Zaidhul Ameen.

Ameen is a member of former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom’s faction of the ruling Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM), which has been divided since June 2016.

According to RaajjeMV’s sources, Ali Hameed was to be presented to Thursday’s hearing in the trial. Hameed is also the President of the Judicial Service Commission (JSC).

While the hearings in the trial are being conducted behind closed doors, RaajjeMV understands that the decision to not present Judge Hameed as a witness was made as 'details of the trial have been leaking to the media'.

In addition to the Supreme Court Judge, in order to prove Ameen guilty, the prosecution has submitted names of two other witnesses, as well as some written documents.

While RaajjeMV’s attempts to obtain a comment from the Prosecutor General’s Office was to no avail, Ameen’s lawyer Mahfooz Saeed also refused to comment regarding the hearing.

Zaidhul Ameen, who was arrested on allegations of blackmail on January 13, is accused of attempting to sell an alleged audio of Ali Hameed. He has been charged with obstruction, and acquiring information illegally and attempting to sell the unlawfully acquired information.

While Ameen has denied all three charges, Criminal Court has ruled to keep him in remand until a verdict is reached in the trial.

Following the arrest, Ameen had revealed that police had attempted to coerce him into giving a statement against PPM’s leader and founder, former President Gayoom.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Shan Anees
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