K. Male'
29 May 2021 | Sat 18:11
MDP's National Council meeting held earlier this year, where both President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih and former president Nasheed had been in attendance alongside the party's top brass
MDP's National Council meeting held earlier this year, where both President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih and former president Nasheed had been in attendance alongside the party's top brass
MDP on Mihaaru News propaganda
MDP condemns "propaganda" by Mihaaru News as "unnamed sources" cited over attempt on ex-Pres. Nasheed's life
Called for an immediate cessation of disseminating propaganda against Speaker Nasheed, and to refrain from fostering doubts and suspicions at this critical juncture
Noted that it was highly concerning that a member of former president Nasheed's security team was anonymously sharing information with the Mihaaru News
Stated that an "unnamed source" had been cited by Mihaaru News, to imply information had been shared from a member inside Speaker Nasheed's security team

Main-ruling Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) have released a statement condemning "propaganda" by Mihaaru News in relation to the terrorist attack which targetted former president and Speaker of Parliament Mohamed Nasheed on 6 May 2021.

The statement was released in relation to an article published online by Mihaaru News, citing an "unnamed source", which MDP described as propaganda mocking Speaker Nasheed while he is currently in recovery following severe injuries sustained in the attempt on his life. The article had referenced Speaker Nasheed's security, and had been framed in a way that placed blame on former president Nasheed.

The article by Mihaaru News had alleged that the attack on former president Nasheed had been possible due to reckless behavior on behalf of the Speaker of Parliament, and due to the fact that he had chosen to reside in the home of his parents. MDP has described this as an attempt to mock Nasheed and spread propaganda against him while he remains in recovery in Germany.

MDP recalled with concern that while Speaker Nasheed is high-profile politician who's safety is of critical importance, the state had failed to provide him security even when he was President in 2012, when armed forces had been unable to safeguard his person on 7 February.

MDP stated that while an "unnamed source" had been cited by Mihaaru News to imply information had been shared from a member inside Speaker Nasheed's security team, the article had affirmed that Mihaaru News could confirm the identity of the source. As such, MDP expressed grave concerns that  that a member of former president Nasheed's security team was anonymously sharing information with the Mihaaru News.

MDP called for an investigation into whether or not the source had actually been a member of Speaker Nasheed's security team, and called for national security and law enforcement forces to expedite the process.

MDP also stated that the attack on Speaker Nasheed was directly linked to national security, and called for an immediate cessation to mocking and spreading propaganda against former president Nasheed during his recovery, at a time authorities have failed to identify the masterminds that orchestrated the 6 May terror attack on Male' City's main street.

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