K. Male'
24 Apr 2021 | Sat 14:57
An image of the Mandhu College building following an attack by vandals
An image of the Mandhu College building following an attack by vandals
Criticism over Mandhu College compensation
MDP members criticize Gov't over Mandhu College compensation
The Civil Court had given the state a period of one month to settle the compensation payment.
The state had agreed to issue Mandhu College MVR 15 million in compensation, in exchange for losses incurred in them having to vacate the MES building
The court has ordered that Mandhu College be issued MVR 15 million as compensation

Members of main-ruling Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) have criticized the government for their decision to issue MVR 15 million in compensation to Mandhu College, for dissolving the agreement that assigned them ownership over the old MES building.

While the state had allowed Male' High Pvt. Ltd. to operate Mandhu College from inside the old MES building, in 2015, the government had ordered that the college vacate the premises in order to reclaim ownership over the MES building. The government in reclaiming the building had stated that Male' High Pvt. Ltd. had failed to operate and international school from the premises as previously agreed.

However, the High Court and Supreme Court went on to rule in favor of those operating Mandhu College, noting that they had been forced to vacate the building unfairly and were therefore owed compensation for losses incurred. Following this, Male' High Pvt. Ltd. filed a civil suit in order to claim MVR 18 million in compensation for damages, to which the state had, under the Civil Court's dispute resolution framework, agreed to pay MVR 15 million to Male; High Pvt. Ltd.

The Civil Court had given the state a period of one month to settle the compensation payment.

Members of main-ruling Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) and some members of parliament have taken to social media to criticize the government, following the government's decision to pay MVR 15 million to Male' High Pvt. Ltd. as dispute resolution. As such, MDP PG leader and MP for Central-Henveiru constituency Ali Azim expressed displeasure that millions were being issued as a payout to wealthy parties while some residents were struggling to put food on the table.

MDP Spokesperson and MP for North-Maafannu constituency Imthiyaz Fahmy also tweeted on the issue, remarking that the state would be compensating parties forced to vacate land by giving them enough funds to purchase another plot.

Member of Parliament for the Ungoofaaru constituency Mohamed Waheed related the issue to the imminent question of parliamentary governance, noting that parties who wished to distribute ministerial positions and uninhabited islands among their relatives would not be keen to changing the system of governance in the Maldives.

MP for the Kendhoo constituency Ali Hussain also tweeted on the matter, stating that the state should not issue the compensation until all appeal processes concluded. MP Ali Hussain added that the state would not be able to settle disputes based on preferences while the case was still at court.

A number of people have been criticizing the government's decision to issue compensation to Male' High Pvt. Ltd., for losses incurred when Mandhu College was forced to vacate the old MES building. As of now, the Maldivian government has paid various parties over MVR 1 billion in compensation for losses incurred due to the premature dissolution of agreements. The incumbent Solih administration had been criticized heavily early on when they had set a precedence for issuing compensation for parties that had been disadvantaged financially by the state's dissolution of prior agreements, with a number of high-level political figures and MPs involved in criticizing the government on online platforms.

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