K. Male'
14 Mar 2023 | Tue 17:17
The President's Office, in partnership with the British High Commission, hold exercise "Rihi Asseyri 2023"
The President's Office, in partnership with the British High Commission, hold exercise "Rihi Asseyri 2023"
president office
President's Office
President's Office holds exercise "Rihi Asseyri 2023"
The exercise was held from March 12-13,
The exercise was organized to test the implementation of the National Terrorism Response Plan
The exercise was organized in partnership with the British High Commission in Maldives

The President's Office, in partnership with the British High Commission in Maldives (BHC), has organised the tabletop exercise "Rihi Asseyri 2023".

The tabletop exercise "Rihi Asseyri 2023" was organized to test the implementation of the National Terrorism Response Plan (NTRP).

The exercise, to test the government's multi-agency response to a terror incident, was held from March 12-13, 2023, in the Greater Malé Area.

The main objective of the exercise was to test and improve multi-agency communication and coordination in emergency response activities. The exercise also sought to enhance the NTRP further, strengthen communication and coordination between agencies, and improve future training programmes and exercises and the ability to respond to terror incidents and save lives.

The exercise brought together representatives and policymakers from 11 government ministries and agencies. Exercise Rihi Asseyri was the latest in several training programmes in partnership with BHC to operationalise the NTRP.

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