A total of 57,255 members of the main ruling party are eligible to cast their ballots in the MDP Presidential Primary Election 2023.
Voting at the polling stations will proceed until 5pm, Saturday.
Two candidates of the MDP Presidential Primary Election 2023, Former President Mohamed Nasheed and President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih has casted their votes.
Candidate number 01, Former President Mohamed Nasheed casted his ballot at Jamaaluddin School, where the ballot box for North Galolhu constituency has been placed.
Candidate number 02, President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih casted his vote at Iskandar School where the ballot box for Hinnavaru constituency has been placed.
Voting in Mundoo island of Laamu Atoll commenced before 09:00 am, says member of parliament Hassan Latheef.
Latheef said that voting commenced in the island without a representative of President Nasheed.
President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih has cast his vote in the MDP Presidential Primary Election 2023. The president cast his ballot at Iskandar School, where the ballot box for Hinnavaru constituency has been placed.
Former President and current Speaker of Parliament Mohamed Nasheed will be casting his vote to the north-Galolhu constituency ballot box placed at Jamaluddin School.
He will arrive at the polling station at 11am to cast his ballot.
Ballot box number B04-1 has been placed at Jalaaludheen School in Kulhudhuffushi City.
North Kulhudhuffushi constituents will be casting their ballots at this location.
Eligible voters inclue 147 women and 270 men.
People queue up to vote in the MDP Presidential Primary Election 2023.
One ballot box for Fuvahmulah constituency has been placed in the capital, Malé City's Maafannu Madharusa School.
The number of eligible voters in the southern city of Fuvahmulah are as follows:
Central Fuvahmulah constituency: 930
South Fuvahmulah constituency: 613
North Fuvahmulah constituency: 545
SO4. Ballot box has been placed at Hithadhoo School in southernmost Addu City, where north-Hithadhoo constituents will be casting their votes. A total of 1,133 constituents are eligible to vote in this constituency.
People have begun queuing up at the polling station located in Jalaaluddin School of Kulhudhuffushi City in Haa Dhaal atoll, where residents from the north Kulhudhuffushi constituency will cast their votes.