K. Male'
10 May 2017 | Wed 21:31
Maamigili Constituency Parliamentarian Qasim Ibrahim
Maamigili Constituency Parliamentarian Qasim Ibrahim
Mohamed Sharuhaan
Qasim Ibrahim release
Criminal Court orders Qasim Ibrahim's release
Qasim released on stipulations
Released after almost 20 days
Arrested on the 20th of last month

Criminal Court has ordered to release Qasim Ibrahim with stipulations.

The Maamigili Constituency Parliamentarian was released after the hearings of the appeal held on Wednesday.

He was released with seven stipulations applicable for a period of 60 days. If he fails to abide by the stipulations in this period then he will be arrested.

The stipulations on Qasim are:

  • Cooperating with the investigation
  • Seeking permission from Police prior to any travels abroad
  • Not to hold meetings with any individual or party that can cause dissent in the society
  • Not to carry out any activities that can destroy or influence any party to destroy evidence
  • Not to engage in any dialogues that encourage dissent
  • Not to use any of his properties, assets and staff in any activity that encourages dissent
  • Not to engage in any dialogues that can create doubts over the three branches of state and their heads


Qasim was arrested on the 20th of last month by Police, on request of Prosecutor General in connection to the bribery allegations made against Qasim. Qasim was accused of bribing and influencing Parliamentarians, security forces and members of the judiciary and create conflict among the public, to sway the vote of no confidence vote on Parliament Speaker and Deputy Speaker.

He was given a remand of 15-days on the 21st of last month. Four additional days were set on the 5th of this month.

Qasim's lawyers argued that his remand was set in violation of the Previleges Act, a claim refuted by High Court in the appeal process of the case. Lawyer Hisaan Hussain added that there were no other evidence, apart from the Police Intelligence report, to back the request to extend remand.

While Qasim has been freed, three separate charges had been raised against Qasim. The prosecution had requested to detain Qasim for the duration of the trial, which was denied by the Court.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Hussein Fiyaz
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