K. Male'
09 May 2017 | Tue 01:46
Chief Communications Officer at President’s Office, Ali Khalid
Chief Communications Officer at President’s Office, Ali Khalid
Sun Online
Changes to political positions
PO Chief Communications Officer dismissed
No reason given for dismissal
Ali Khalid also serves as Chair of WAMCO
PO Spokesperson refused to issue comment

Chief Communications Officer at President’s Office, Ali Khalid has been dismissed from his position.

No additional information has been released regarding the dismissal. Ali Khalid was unreachable for a comment.

Ali Khalid also serves as Chair of Waste Management Corporation. It is not clear if he had been dismissed from this position.

President’s Office Spokesperson Ibrahim Muaz Ali had refused to comment on the news, stating that they will share information if and when there was any information to share.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Aishath Shaany
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