K. Male'
05 May 2017 | Fri 06:03
Former President Mohamed Nasheed speaking via video link
Former President Mohamed Nasheed speaking via video link
Local Council Elections 2017
Ex-Pres. Nasheed calls on to vote, ensure rights are upheld
Theft, corruption can be halted by separation of powers
Nations developed by taking action at the required time
President Yameen wants to consolidate all powers

Former President Mohamed Nasheed has called on all to vote, in a bid to ensure that rights are upheld and to prevent President Abdulla Yameen from consolidating powers, as he had desired to do so.

Speaking via video to the rally held to mark the conclusion of campaign for Local Council Elections, Nasheed called on all citizens to provide a united front against consolidating all separated powers. He said this was essential to prevent corruption, dictatorship, theft and gain justice.

“Every single time, Maldivians are calling for betterment of their general status. They want homes, flats, education for their children, medical care for their children, connecting Maldives through a transport network, job opportunities, prosperity,” Nasheed said.

Noting that societies had developed into civilized nations due to taking the right action at the right time, Nasheed said that the decentralized system was one such action that facilitated development.

He added that incumbent President Yameen had a systematic plan to dismantle the decentralized system and to consolidate all power.

The former President noted that the opposition parties were standing against this and it must be followed by the general public in the polls.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Aishath Shaany
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