K. Male'
03 May 2017 | Wed 12:31
Cycle taxi inauguration ceremony
Cycle taxi inauguration ceremony
Cycle taxi services
Scootaxi halts cycle taxi service
Service started in January
Service halted due to operational difficulties

The cycle taxi services started in last January have been halted.

The company behind the service, Scootaxi, said the services had been suspended for about a month. Scootaxi stated the service was halted not due to lack of demand but rather operational issues such as hiring qualified individuals. They said it was difficult to operate in Male’ along the set regulations.

Fifteen female drivers and 15 male drivers will be testing the bikes for the period, after which the service was opened to general public. Each ride was priced at MVR 10.

The drivers were equipped with an orange jacket, with special flaps for passengers to grip.

Last updated at: 2 years ago
Reviewed by: Hussein Fiyaz
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