K. Male'
28 Apr 2017 | Fri 22:18
MDP vice president Mohamed Shifiaz
MDP vice president Mohamed Shifiaz
LCE 2017
Council elections held as Pres. Yameen is forced: Shifaz
Responsibilities of council snatched after this Govt. came to power
MDP main rally in Kulhudhuffushi on Friday night

Opposition Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) Vice President Mohamed Shifaz has stated that the Government was holding the Local Council Elections only because they were forced to do so.

Speaking in the rally held in Nellaidhoo island in Haa Dhaal Atoll on Thursday night, Shifaz said that the Government had a systematic campaign to ensure that the opposition candidates were beaten back, delay the elections and ensure that the public was tired of the elections.

Shifaz, who was a previous Parliamentarian for the Baarashu Constituency, said the incumbent Government had snatched all the powers granted to the Councils, restricting their responsibilities and mandates and reduce the number of Councilors through legal amendments.

Shifaz noted the Government had tried to introduce legislature that stated that only the Council President and Vice President were salaries positions. The same legislature also decreed that the rest of the Councilors were granted just a sitting allowance.

Shifaz further said the progress made possible under President Nasheed’s tenure was made possible due to the Councils and their collaborative work.

Noting that the taxation system, introduced in Nasheed’s term as President, was bringing in more revenue than before, Shifaz said that while this was the case, the citizens were in the dark over what happened to the taxes.

He added that this had translated to sub-par services of the state institutions in the islands.

Shifaz assured that the Party will be relentless in re-empowering the decentralized system of rule and urged all to vote for MDP backed candidates in the Local Council Elections.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Abdulla Naseer Ibrahim
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