K. Male'
28 Apr 2017 | Fri 13:40
A great number of opposition politicians and parliamentarians had participated in Thursday night’s inauguration
A great number of opposition politicians and parliamentarians had participated in Thursday night’s inauguration
LCE 2017
MDP sets up new party camp for council elections
The council elections are slated for May 6th
The party camp was established in Galolhu ward of capital city Malé
A great number of opposition politicians and parliamentarians had participated in the inauguration

The opposition Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) has established a party camp in Galolhu ward of capital city Malé as a means of bolstering campaign efforts for the upcoming local council elections.

The party camp, near the Galolhu constituency’s jailed MP Ahmed Mahloof’s home, was inaugurated by members of the Jumhooree Party, Adhaalath Party, and the Progressive Party of Maldives’ faction loyal to Maumoon Abdul Gayoom.

Hassan Latheef, MDP’s chairperson, said at the inauguration that the government ‘has run dry of supporters’ and noted former President Gayoom’s withdrawal of support for it. Gayoom – the founder of PPM – does not support its candidates for the election, Latheef noted.

Mariya Ahmed Didi, a longstanding member of the party and MP for North Mahchangoalhi, criticized the government’s road development scheme and said that its work has not been constructive and that the entire scheme is a ploy to wantonly spend money on whomever it wishes.

A great number of opposition politicians and parliamentarians had participated in Thursday night’s inauguration.

The council elections are slated for May 6th. 

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Ali Yoosuf
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