K. Male'
26 Apr 2017 | Wed 03:59
Social Media Activist and Blogger, Yaamyn Rasheed
Social Media Activist and Blogger, Yaamyn Rasheed
Yameen Rasheed murder
MDP submits emergency motion to Parliament over blogger’s murder
Police negligence apparent
Police had failed to review cases Yameen filed
Certain figures from Govt. had threatened Yameen

Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) has submitted an emergency motion to the Parliament calling for the independent investigation to the murder of blogger and social media activist Yameen Rasheedh.

The motion was put forward by Hithadhoo South Constituency MP Ali Nizar.

The motion stated that it was put forward hold the Police accountable, as they had failed to check on the numerous reports of death threats Yameen had filed while he was alive.

The statement added that Yameen’s tweets had shown that Police had failed to take action on the threats, especially given that those threats were brazen, made without feeling the need to conceal and having tagged Police’s official twitter accounts. Therefore, MDP said that Police was complicit in Yameen’s death.

MDP said that activists like Rilwan and Yameen and journalists had received constant threats on social media platforms by individuals affiliated with the Government.

As such, the motion said that Police had proven to be incapable of conducting an impartial investigation especially in the cases of Rilwan and Dr. Afrasheem. Hence, the motion had called for an independent investigation with an impartial investigator to review Yameen’s death.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Raajjemv
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