K. Male'
23 Apr 2017 | Sun 15:55
Slain activist Yaamyn Rasheed
Slain activist Yaamyn Rasheed
Yaamyn Rasheed murder
Nasheed calls for an impartial, international inquiry into Yaamyn’s murder
Called Yaamyn a “brave voice”
Father reports stab wounds to 16 places
CCTV cameras diverted

Former President Mohamed Nasheed has said that only an impartial and open investigation with international participation can provide justice to slain social media activist Yaamyn Rasheed.

In a tweet posted on Sunday, Nasheed described Yaamyn as “a brave voice”, adding that he was “brutally silenced”.



Yaamyn was discovered around 0259hrs in the stairwell of his home, M. Spectula.

Yaamyn’s father Hussain Rasheed said that his son had sustained stab wounds to 14 spots on his chest and one each on his neck and head. He said the family did not wish to conduct an autopsy, as how he died was clear. He also reported that the CCTV cameras in the home had been diverted.


Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Hussein Fiyaz
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