K. Male'
21 Apr 2017 | Fri 03:18
Elections Commission
Elections Commission
Local Council Elections 2017
Voter’s list published, 255,000 eligible to vote
1497 candidates up for seats
422 ballot boxes to be placed in various parts

The Elections Commission has published the final list of eligible voters for the Local Council Elections.

The list is published on the Commission’s website.

A total of 1497 candidates will contest the elections, with 255,987 eligible to vote. This an increase of 16,882 voters from the 2013 Presidential elections. Four hundred and forty-two ballot boxes will be placed in various locations.

Elections Commission opened the opportunity for parties to sign the voter’s list between the 16th and 18th of this month. Both opposition parties, MDP and JP had refused to sign the list, citing various issues with the list.

Supreme Court ruling on the 2013 Presidential Elections, stated that all lists must be signed by the candidates or their proxies.


Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Hussein Fiyaz
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