K. Male'
20 Apr 2017 | Thu 22:44
Nadheem speaking to press
Nadheem speaking to press
Azmoon Ahmed
Crackdown on opposition
Court decrees not to go ahead with Nadheem case
All outstanding amounts had been paid in full
No chits issued for the hearings
Nadheem was released from Atholhuvehi with stipulations

Criminal Court has decreed not to go ahead with the case against former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom’s son in law, Mohamed Nadheem.

Nadheem was summoned to Court on Thursday under Police custody, over a case in connection to One and Half Maldives Pvt Ltd and Dhiraagu. Nadheem is a shareholder in the company.

He was summoned to the hearing under Police custody, as requested by Court. However, Nadheem said that he had not received any prior summons, adding that he was only informed of the hearings when Police came to take him into custody.

Due to the order, Nadheem was placed in Police custodial of Atholhuvehi. He was released after about an hour, with the stipulation that he will submit himself to Police custody for the hearing.

Nadheem had sent a letter to Civil Court over the issue, adding that he will attend the hearing at 11.30am on Thursday.

Speaking to press, following the hearing, Nadheem said that as he had paid all the outstanding amounts, the Court had decreed not to further review the case.

In the hearing, Nadheem noted that he was summoned to the hearing against the procedures specified in the law. He added that when raised this issue in Court, the Court had responded by stating that when they had attempted to hand over the chit back in February, he was not present at his home at the time. When questioned why the notice was not pasted on the main door, as is in the procedure, the Court said that it was at the discretion of the Judge.


Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Hussein Fiyaz
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