K. Male'
20 Apr 2017 | Thu 18:54
The Bih’roazu Kamana’ mosque, one of the oldest in the capital
The Bih’roazu Kamana’ mosque, one of the oldest in the capital
‘Bih’roazu Kamana’ Mosque
Ministry bans prayer outside traditional mosque
The Islamic Ministry has banned the use of the grounds outside ‘Bih’roz Kamana’ mosque for prayers after a corpse was spotted there
The Ministry’s notice did not ban prayer within the mosque premises.
The grounds outside mosques are customarily used as burial space

The Islamic Ministry has banned the use of the grounds outside ‘Bih’roazu Kamana’ mosque for prayers after a corpse was spotted there.

The Ministry’s notice did not ban prayer within the mosque premises. Those gathered to pray at the small mosque form congregation lines outside the mosque when it is full.

The mosque is one of the oldest in the country, and holds the remains of Sultan Mohamed Thakurufaanu Al Auzam, a legendary boat captain considered to have driven out Portugal forces in 1573, and his younger brother

The grounds outside mosques are customarily used as burial space. 

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Hussein Fiyaz
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