K. Male'
20 Apr 2017 | Thu 11:38
Qasim Ibrahim speaking at 'Kunooz', his Jumhooree Party's primary assembly site
Qasim Ibrahim speaking at 'Kunooz', his Jumhooree Party's primary assembly site
Opposition Rally
JP Qasim Ibrahim challenges President Yameen to face revote
Qasim Ibrahim said all those that supported President Yameen in the 2013 elections now stand against him
He continued to say that support for the government within parliament is dwindling
He also said President Yameen should be 'ashamed' to remain in office

Opposition Jumhooree Party leader Qasim Ibrahim has challenged incumbent President Abdulla Yameen to face a revote ‘if he so dares’ in order to prove the legitimacy of the administration.

At a joint opposition rally, Qasim Ibrahim – who, according to many following the events of the 2013 presidential elections, was integral to Yameen’s election – said both he and former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom have withdrawn their support for his government.

“Everyone who supported him and brought him into power today stand against him” Qasim said “This government clearly has no legitimacy”.

In further insinuating that the support for President Yameen within parliament is diminishing, Qasim further asked that he ‘test the parliamentarians’ and the level of support for him by calling for a parliamentary vote.

“If his Excellency so dares, and is so confident of the support for him – why does he not call for a vote now?”

Qasim added that President Yameen should be ‘ashamed’ to remain in office after the allegations made against him and his administration.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Ali Yoosuf
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