K. Male'
20 Apr 2017 | Thu 03:21
Ahmed Nadheem brought to police
Ahmed Nadheem brought to police
Azmoon Ahmed
Nadheem summoned to Police
Nadheem released with stipulations
Summoned over a case on a company he is a shareholder of
Court order requested to bring him to Court under arrest
No summons issued previously

Husband of Yumna Maumoon, Ahmed Nadheem, has been released from Police custody with stipulations.

Nadheem, who had served as Chair of FENAKA during the Yameen administration, was summoned to Police over a case currently on going in Civil Court. Nadheem was released after an hour in Atholhuvehi, Police custodial.

The case in Civil Court is between One and Half Maldives Pvt Ltd and Dhiraagu. Nadheem is a shareholder in the company.

Speaking to Raajje.mv, Nadheem’s lawyer Mahfooz Saeed said that he was released after stipulating that he submit himself to Police at 9.45am Thursday morning. He added that Nadheem is to be taken to the Court hearing while under Police custody.

Mahfooz said they had not received any summons prior to this.

Nadheem had sent a letter to Civil Court over the issue, adding that he will attend the hearing at 11.30am on Thursday.



Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Azmoon Ahmed
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